Iglesia de San Blas
Iglesia de San Blas
Once this first section was completed, the work continued, but the criteria were changed; now, the pillars take on a classical Renaissance morphology; Thus, the following two sections were completed. The groined vaults were closed in the 17th century. From the previous old church, the solid tower is preserved, work from the end of the 15th century, with a decoration of balls on the eaves, and above all, a fine doorway with a very elongated opening, framed between two pinnacles with cardina decoration; the tympanum is decorated with fanciful curved lines of flamboyant tracery.
Useful information:
- Location: Plaza Ramón y Cajal, 21, | Villarrobledo
- Opening hours: Consult the Tourist Office
- Price: Free
- Contact: Villarrobledo Tourist Office