Madres Dominicas Convent

Madres Dominicas Convent (17th c.)


This convent, located in Calle de Las Monjas, was founded in the 17th century. It is currently inhabited by cloistered nuns, who have become famous for the pastries known as suspiros de monja (nuns’ sighs), an ancient recipe that they prepare on special occasions or on request. Although entry to the convent is restricted, it is possible to visit the church next to it, either during mass hours or on previous request to the sisters. Inside this temple, which has also been restored in the present day, there is a beautiful altarpiece and some interesting vaults with detailed decoration.


Useful information:

  • Address: C. Monjas, 12, 13240 | La Solana, Cdad. Real
  • Opening hours: Consult at the convent
  • Price: Free
  • Contact:
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